Originally Posted by Roddy1
Ya ScanGuage II is almost an older design for this day and age. Great a few years ago but maybe not for 2014.
LOL I thought the same thing. It's definitely not user-friendly. But more buttons would mean a larger case. Same with a graphical display. It does a great job of being a very compact monitor.
Originally Posted by Roddy1
I'm wondering how accurate the 0-60 1/4 mile times are. I'd just like to be able to measure for myself where my launch and shift techniques are at as well as improvements from modifications.
The fastest display refresh rate on mine is 0.5 second but I don't know how fast it's reading data and updating internally. You should be able to find out at the SG2 web page.
Originally Posted by Roddy1
Also don't want to be banging gears for a 1/4 mile run with my laptop on the passenger seat
heehee I didn't say it was a
good option.