Originally Posted by Plasmite
I have been on the fence of which route I wanted to go for boost.
I've always been particular to SC, it's stable, instant power and predictable.
Now having spent the last few weeks looking into turbo options, I must say I am quite intrigued. Very much so.
If you would have asked me last year which way I would go, I would have said 80% SC 20% T
Now that has totally changed.... 80% T 20% SC.
Now, if you were to ask me which kit I think I would go with...
BP 50% FI 50% is where I sit....
I am watching 
Def keep watching. IMHO it will soon be heavily favored to FI.
Originally Posted by Cell
Well, which ever route you go, you will be happy.
Biased opinion to follow...

Originally Posted by elperuano
I'm hoping the BP kit will fit the g37!
Originally Posted by jwick
We will know by the end of the weekend!
I will leave it for those who already have their installs done to comment further rather than my biased opinion pre FI install. Btw FI will soon have the G37 kit available. Will be worth the wait.

Also check the Official FI "Twin Turbo Kit" is here thread for info on the kit for Z's and G37's. Good luck whichever way you go.