Originally Posted by Elan
Honestly if you set your mirrors correctly, you won't have a blind spot. I've tested mine, left and right, and I don't have any.

So few people know how to use side mirrors...
As stated in previous posts objects should travel from peripheral to side mirror to rear mirror to side mirror to peripheral. There's no need to see your car in your mirrors as that's just overlapping with your rear-view mirror's visibility, diminishing your side visibility and creating/increasing your blind spot.
The link cooltoy posted explains this perfectly.
Originally Posted by kenchan
sort of neat idea, but that's too late for me. i initiate quick lane change while i turn on the signal, so that split second is too much delay.
Granted you're likely overseas so it may be acceptable but that's illegal here in Australia. Not that it stops everyone from doing it - it doesn't give anyone else enough warning.
One of my pet peeves when driving