I was bleeding the clutch tonight (well, attempting to) after installing the Z1 SS clutch line, and had a nightmare of a time, the walkthrough i was following did nothing to enlighten me. So the clutch was pushed super fast, super slow, bleeder open, bleeder closed. And every single DIY online gives a different way of bleeding. Shouldn't there only be one (proper) way to bleed a clutch system?
I see stuff about bleeding the master, then the slave, etc. Cap on, cap off while bleeding. Push pedal and hold like doing the brakes then open the bleeder vs open the bleeder then push slowly and close before bottom. Set timing for pushing the pedal... how is this so F'ing complicated?
So my question is, despite probably putting air into the system everywhere it could possibly be, if I just start over and follow the instructions from the FSM will I be good to go, or do I have to do something different now?
So tempted to just get it flat bedded to Nissan, I don't know how anyone could think this is easier than the brakes

Turning out to be the hardest thing I've done on the car to date...