Originally Posted by ejrives
so, I went to the dealership today to talk about and hopefully fix this. The thing is part #84415-cd715 is from a 350z and was made because of a tsb on a 2004 350z. The only folks that are having the issue should be ones with spoliers ( extra weight ). I was told Nissan knows about the issue and a fix will be issued soon. For now, I'll check out the penny fix.
true, you are correct

these springlifts were the result of a TSB for the 04 350z...
however, i for one can tell everyone without a doubt that these springlifts are right for the 370z's with the spoilers as well as the nismos with the heavier spoilers...
i foresee nissan using the same springlift only possibly designating a different part number to be reflected in a TSB for the 370z's...