I had a longer post this weekend, but hit a database error on submit. Doh.
Anyway, 'pick-up artist' is usually a term with a negative connotation. You can also find similar information by looking at youtube vids about
magician techniques or the term
"human hacker." These basically get into controlling social interaction and reading/responding to people.
Will any of this help? Maybe. It might end up coming across as very creepy, though. Anyway, here's a shortened version of my post...
Clothing - Wear clothes you feel comfortable in, but also make sure they fit. They don't need to be tight, but they need to show off anything that you got, so they should be fit without being tight, especially those pants/jeans. If you're not fit, you need to get back on track being fit and work out a bit.
Skin - Healthy skin is a big deal. Whether you have good skin or not, you can learn a lot from youtube clips of men's skin care.
Humor - Have a decent sense of humor that isn't completely droll or idiotic. And if you have something to say to someone, but aren't sure how they'll take it, just say it. Apologizing or clarifying can open up further conversation, but more than likely she'll laugh. And you never know when you hit on someone else's dark sense of humor if you, too, have one.
Physical contact - Initiate physical contact in a natural, safe way. One of the biggest barriers to many people getting to interact with someone else is getting past that initial physical touch barrier. bump a shoulder, upper/mid-lower back, brush some lint off, etc. And avoid places that will put up defenses: legs, chest, butt, face. If people say you smell good regularly, be that guy who hugs casually. There's all sorts of win there.
Otherwise just make a point to do two things:
Get out and about. Few people meet other people in a vacuum. Myself included.
You don't always have to go out with the intent on meeting people. You could read a book at a coffee shop instead of at home. At least then you have a chance. At home, the chance of meeting someone moves to 0.
Say hi to a stranger once a day. Every few days say hi plus another comment about whatever. Conversation, for those of us that it doesn't come to naturally, will get better only with practice.
Smile. Be approachable. Be interested. Listen. Play hard to get purposefully, regularly. Basically say hi, start the conversation, then excuse yourself in a positive way. Let the initial moments linger.
If you want a one-night stand, say so. But wait until at least after midnight. Don't be an *** and send someone on the walk of shame. Get up early, make breakfast, don't say thanks, but do compliment or say you enjoyed your time together.
One of the better things I've done, is make sure conversation revolves around the girl, not yourself. If she wants to know, she'll ask, but don't fall into that problem where you both are trying to talk about each other, almost desparately. Stop, listen, and learn about her.