Originally Posted by F.I. Inc.
We looked at it like this...
1) TT kit (6MT)
Great single disk clutch/flywheel in SpecialtyZ. Currently in talks to create a Twin Disc for big boy power.
2). Design a fuel system upgrade to support the boost/power.
Multiple fuel systems for different levels will be in full production shortly and available.
3). A 7AT upgrade that can put to the ground with what we are throwing at it.
We have enlisted the best in the business that we know and trust. Clutch packs/billet Flex Plate/Possibly Converter & Valve Body on the way.
All in all, we realized that we need to offer the total package of supporting mods to go along with our kit. Otherwise, what is the use of having a kit that nothing else around it can handle!
"Do it once, do it right!"
Hey tony its been a while, but I'm interested in this for beefing up my 7At tranny hopefully you make a thread whete we can get this parts to beef up our AT trannies