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Old 04-03-2014, 04:39 PM   #2714 (permalink)
Enthusiast Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
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Zeetah is on a distinguished road

can someone help me out !!!!!!!!
im looking to do this ASAP, car is in shop.

car has to be magnetic black Z, id really appreciate it if someone could show me how these would look

1. for the door handles, i wanted to leave the actual handle oem and paint the part around it OEM magnetci black

2. delete emblems on the back, and either putting N I S S A N letters center rear bumper where the nissan burger used to be and fill the gap wit bondo or whatever they use and under the NISSAN letters put Z centered

AND for rear also

370 and Z under 370 centered.

3. for the front would like to incorporate Z34 somehow instead of the nizzan burger

4. paint oem black the outer ring on the fender signal emblems.


pm if possible
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