Originally Posted by Bossless1
I'm sure that's true...but I'm just not that confident in the process, based on videos and other guys doing theirs. I would rather just pay someone who's already confident and experienced at it...,mainly because it's not likely I would ever do another set myself. and I've seen some that are completely SICK! and that's what I want mine to be :-) Can I rely on ME to get em there? Nah - how much is it $$??
Flat black paint - $10
color match paint -$50
halos - $55 a pair
demon eyes - $20
lenses (dual projector mod) - $50 (I think?)
$300 total unless you really want to go crazy with RGB halos and controllers and custom switches and all that jazz. Me personally I just want two colors of demon eyes and halos on dual projectors. Demon eyes on switches and halos for DRL's
Zdayz 2014!!