Thread: 2014 GTA Meets
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Old 04-03-2014, 07:39 AM   #253 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MrSir View Post
i know some of you said you are not really into a long drive, either way this is what i was going to propose. The Start point is an outlet mall about 1 hour north of Toronto. From there we go 400 -> 11 to 141/10 where we regroup then drive west through the twisties for about 2 hours if not more and end up next to the 400 for another break. From there its back on the 400 and head on down to the start point. Throughout the route there is plenty of places to stop for food/fuel. All roads are paved. I will more then likely do this route myself at some point if anyone wishes to come let me know. Here is a map link
I like that one also, maybe mid summer cruise for that?
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