Originally Posted by kenchan
.......anyway while i was working on the emblems i was scratching my head wtf "Ings+1" meant...
and i realized it probably means 'Wings winning'..
the logo has a upward arrow before "Ings." in japanese up is "ue".
so if you put "ue" and ings together you get "ueings" or "wings".
the +1, i couldn't decode... probably means winning by one.
not sure...  anyway, the projects is done and will inspect my work when i get home tonight.  watch, with my luck it's tilted. lol
OK. You were onto something.

While inquiring on a part from Ings+1 USA, I went ahead and asked about their name. Here's what he said.......
"And thank you for asking about our name of company!
“Ings+1” came from “ing” is the progressive form and “+1” stands for we will be "one step ahead” and “one second faster” than everyone else
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
KJ Takahashi