Originally Posted by antennahead
I did that years ago with my Fried transmission-line subs and monitors ....... replaced everything....... caps, resistors, air core inductors, and nice silver sonic wiring...... really made a difference. Prior to that updated the subs, mids, and tweets with Scan-Speak drivers 
Oh hells yeah! Nice set up! You on Audiogon? Thought I've seen this system on there somewhere.
And yeah... I love doing this kind of stuff. I'd rather tweak things than spend an arm and a leg on something new that may not have good synergy in my system.
But my next big thing will be a pair of McIntosh monoblock amps and pre. I love that sound. And I'm thinking about building a separate cabinet for the AADs to go under them and will house 2 - 8" woofers. But that is down the road a bit.
Tell ya what... it was hard trying to keep the car mods on the back burner. But when I made the decision to do this mod and I gutted one of the speakers I was committed to it. Then the audio bug bit again.