Originally Posted by zae757
Simple fix...take it back to the dealership
Originally Posted by Trips
You have two options
1. Take it back and let them deal with it.
2. Lift the front end safely and crawl under and remove the plastic shield and use a long screwdriver or something to reach the latch and unlatch it.
I personally don't see it being related and just a fluke
But again who knows what experience the tech had working on your car 
Lol. That was a GTR tech replaced the radiator for me. I doubt about them is because the latches were working perfectly fine even the day I brought the car in for the work. Today is the first time I took out the car and tried to open the hood after I get it back from the dealership. But yes I will bring it back to the dealership on Monday and have them to fix it.
Originally Posted by djtodd
They just got the drivers side latch bracket out of alignment. I've done the same thing actually. Just manually release it from under the front, or if worse comes to worse, you can back out the bolts holding the bracket in, which should let you realign/remove it
Aha, that's what I am thinking about it too. And thanks for the tips!