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Old 11-11-2009, 12:16 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Default Thanks for the great responses

Thanks for the response to this thread. Frankly, as many of you noted, it wouldn't matter to me if any of those cars were a little or much faster than the Z. They are still not a Z. The Z is a sportscar from the ground up with all the parts designed to work together not just for speed but for handling, poise, and so forth. The other cars look like sported up sedans. As for reliability, yeah, I wondered about those turbo-4's myself. Thanks for clearing up the wet track problem. At first I thought, well of course it is slower on a wet track but the other cars are running on the same wet track...except they are front/awd. Now it makes sense. In any event, I couldn't see the sense of paying $34 grand for a Mitsubishi or Subaru as opposed to $29 grand for a 370Z. Keep up the good work. I wish the magazine had done a better job of explaining how the tests were run and the meaning. If you have seen this issue, you know they don't.
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