Originally Posted by kenchan
sucks. i would just call up insurance and do a one vehicle collision claim... since the dog wasnt airborne i dont think it can be a comprehensive claim...? if that's going to hurt your premium ask up to how much your insurance will cut a check without affecting premium. they might be able to do this for you.
anyway, just get it fixed and get it over with.  GL!
Agree with kenchan. Call your insurance agent and talk to him first. Most likely will be a collision claim but your agent may have it claimed as a collision you were not responsible for. If that's the case, you pay your deductible, insurance company pays the rest for a stock bumber replacement and your rates do not go up.
If your agent will not do this for you, then you can decide whether you want to pay for it on your own (depending on cost). Then If I were you, I'd go look for a new insurance agent.