Originally Posted by JeMo44
Worse night of my life. I live in an area where our streets don't have streetlights. So Im cruising home about a 1/4 mile away and a dog crosses the street in pitch black conditions. By the time I saw him it was too late. I got out to see if the dog was ok and but he had gotten up and ran off with the other 2 dogs that were with him. I wasn't join more than 25 when it happened, and I really do hope he's ok. My question is what should I do, I have a close friend who will take care of installing a painting a bumper for me but I want to know if any after market front bumper will fit my car since its a 13' model? I know we have the drls and no other aftermarket bumpers I've seen have the slots in them for the lights. Any suggestions? What would you guys do?
sucks. i would just call up insurance and do a one vehicle collision claim... since the dog wasnt airborne i dont think it can be a comprehensive claim...? if that's going to hurt your premium ask up to how much your insurance will cut a check without affecting premium. they might be able to do this for you.
anyway, just get it fixed and get it over with.