Let me step away from what is professional to recommend, and insert a little bit of "what you can get away with".
I have run my tank nearly empty with no E85 station within range. Added a couple gallons of 93 octane, and (carefully) went on my marry way... running my one and only tune, my e85 tune.
The side effects... the car will run too rich. However, closed loop feedback from the O2 sensors picked up and fixed this within a few seconds, and the car was perfectly driveable and ran clean A/Fs for part throttle.
This would *NOT* be acceptable for aggressive driving or going into boost at all. The ignition timing on higher load would be too aggressive for 93 and could cause immediate engine damage.
The point I am making is that if you find yourself in a SOL situation, the car WILL run and DRIVE without causing immediate damage or long term effects if you are VERY careful. But you get into the throttle too much and you can kiss your motor goodbye.
You will want to run the tank practically dry and refilling fresh with E85 before driving it hard again to make sure you pretty much got rid of the piss water. But you are not stranded on the side of the road if you absolutely cannot get to E85.