Thread: Pulleys 101...
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Old 11-10-2009, 08:47 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MeetJoeAsian View Post
I really have no intention of modding my car to gain anymore power and such...I did however kinda been thinking about getting another 350Z, pay cash for it, and just make it a project car....which KINDA led me to wanting to maybe do something here and there with my 370Z...

One of my coworkers have been nagging on me to get some NST pulleys for my car, and he said that all I would do is change out the OEM pulleys for lighter pulleys...I haven't been in the loop for over 12 years, and the last few cars I had, I never really cared to mess with, even when I had my whole intention of buying a powerful car is just so it is what it is...I don't plan on racing or showing it...but SOMEHOW, I've just been getting a little ITCH (you can say) to do a little here and there...

My buddy said the pulleys won't affect the car (as in messing up the engine), I've read something about underdrive pulleys...what's the difference? And also, can someone give me a rundown of advantage of lighter pulleys or how it affects negatively or positively in the engine...from what I understand, when you change the pulleys, you're only changing the weight of the pulleys, and thus giving you better power? or something like that?

All of your questions and more are answered in full depth in the following thread...
NST (NonStopTuning) 370Z VQ37HR Pulley Kit Review w/ Dyno Charts

You will also find user reviews from people who have actually owned and used pulleys on the 350 and 370!

Good luck and have fun with all your projects!

Offering the best in Pulleys, Clutches & Flywheels, Coilovers, and more.
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