Originally Posted by HKYStormFront
Attended the Cars & Coffee Upstate show this morning with the GXP along with my friends Andy, in the GTR, and Geoff, in the Nismo 370z. Today was the largest turnout thus far that I've seen at the "new" location, Michelin HQ. By 8:45am, the entire parking lot was full and people were having to park on the roads that circled the lots. Had a great time and stuck around till around 11, then we headed for the Carolina Ale House an exit down and had lunch with a big group of various car guys and gals. Weather looked gloomy in this snap but it cleared up not long after and turned out to be quite a beautiful day!

Nice collection of cars, our Coffee & Cars has been growing over the years, we are already on our second location, its still just once a month but it brings out the best cars in our area. These morning gatherings have a huge influx of european & asian cars unlike the night cruises that are more dominated by domestic high performance cars.