Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z
It's a "Tire replacement indicator." "This indicator appears when the set time comes for replacing tires. You can set or reset the distance for replacing tires. (See “TRIP COMPUTER” later in this section.)" (pg 2-18 in 2009 Owner's Manual). As promised, instructions on how to reset are a few pages down but say only "Select this submenu* to set or reset the distance for replacing tires".
I tried it in my '09. After selecting the tire menu, I pressed the "dot" button (lower one) twice. Reset and the accumulated mileage highlighted. I'm not sure the reset will actually work. Hitting the top button _should_ reset the counter to zero. I didn't want to reset mine, so I backed out at this point.
If you have null or zero as the setpoint, this may put a kink in things. Try setting it to something > 0.
* tire menu
Thank you, you're right, it's the tire replacement warning. I try to do it from memory...
I'll play some more. It annoys me that I can't get it to highlight "Reset" at all. Following the directions in the manual never worked for me either.