check tire pressure maintenance warning won't go away
I know I'm missing something, but I've tried so much to clear the check tire pressure maintenance reminder and it just won't go away.
So, last summer when I was playing with the features of the car and going through the options in the multi-gauge on the left side of the wheel, I set the "check tire pressure" maintenance warning to something like 2000 miles. It went off, neat a month or so later. I clicked Ok.
Now, every few days it comes back on. I've set it back to - / - and I get nothing. I've tried changing it to all sorts of values (small enough to test), and I just can't get it to go away.
I see there's a "Reset" option, but I can't seem to get that to highlight to select it.
Anyone else seen that issue?
I will ask next time I go in for an oil change and one other issue (TPMS sensor is stuck at disabled), but this certainly has to be user error I would think.