Again guys, thanks for the awesome info. It is very helpful.
So far im planning clutch/flywheel/cmc/csc, quaff rear diff, rear diff brace, guages, possible upgraded radiator and turbo kit and tune.
Just trying to get as much unforeseen crap planned for as possible.
After the kit ill be uprading from base brakes (dont need them right away, trying to go faster, not slow down

) and electronic boost control.
Feel like I am missing tons of stuff, but maybe that is because this turbo kit comes with EVERYTHING.
Is there any need to upgrade MAF sensors?
Also can anyone think of a possible way to make it look like I have cats with this kit? Even if they are fake? Need to pass visual inspection only. Im thinking modifying the recirc pipes somehow to look like cats are on there, and hope for a dumb tech. I have test pipes now, and just slipped the guy 40 bucks to pass me. Dont think i will always get that lucky though