Sooooo, Friday. In ohio. Sunny with temps expected in high 50s. Driveway still a bit soft, a bit wet. Screw it. HARRY!! Is coming out to play. Mmmmm. Look at the shine on him. LOL! Hubby and I hop in and head out for some beer and a bit of lunch. Harry feels a bit squirrelly compared to the Civic. Been away from him too long. What? Low tire pressure?! Hubby can you check it? Stop in the road. Yepp. Front right is at 26psi. Dang it. Do we have to go back?

nahhh its ok for the short distance.
Man, these PSS sure are sticky and the roads sure are full of leftover grit and salt. But god it feels good to be in a car that actually goes when you goose the throttle!

shifting. Listening to him accelerate. Sunshine on the hood. Other drivers staring. Ahhhh yes....the essence of a Z, MY Z, on the highway.