Originally Posted by XiP
Are there any Subaru dealers near you?
~100 miles.
Living in the sticks can have its disadvantages.
But I couldn't tell you where the keys to the house are*. Housing is a lot cheaper than in big cities (I bought my 3 bdrm/2 bath house for $47K about 25 years ago). Clean air. Clean water. &c, &c, &c.
Oh, and I don't have to worry about a lot of unconstitutional, anti-2nd amendment laws. AR is a no-permit-required-concealed-carry state and "assault" rifles, high-capacity magazines, &c are not banned.
* I have an Australian Cattle Dog in the house, so someone would have to be pretty bold to break in. Just ask my daughter what happens when you come waltzing into the house with stage makeup on. heehee