Originally Posted by Red__Zed
Drive a Mustang with the track package rather than the base.
You could probably pick up a nice 2009ish S2000 in your price range as well.
The Ford salesman said they should have "barely used" Mustang with some kind of sports package (he didn't have all the details) in the next few days and I'll give it a spin then.
An S2000 would be an excellent choice. I have a friend that used to work at the local Honda dealer when the S2000 was in production and he says it will do an "honest 150 but it was getting light". All the reviews I found say the handling is great. The local Honda dealer didn't have one when I visited but I bet they would be happy to look for one.

Edit: Did some looking on the Web and there are several >= 2006 (IIRC, that's when CAN became mandatory), fairly low-mileage (60-70K or less) S2000s within a few hundred miles of me and within my price range. Convertible-only make me a little nervous but definitely not a deal killer.