Originally Posted by 4r3s
I used to be in the same boat. Sony has screwed over their customers too many times in my opinion for me to stay loyal. The whole removing capabilities on the ps3 that I had been using for years previously was the line in the sand for me. Not to mention the ps4 actually has less capability (media center wise) than the ps3. I just don't get the appeal of consoles anymore. Why you would want to be locked down in that type of environment that doesn't promote open development is beyond me. As soon as I can ditch Windows for gaming and give Microsoft the big middle finger I will be a very happy gamer!
i'm the exact opposite and i have one reason.
i love having a controller. only way i'd ever play a PC game is with a xbox controller hooked up to it lol
other than that PC's are irrelevent to me. i got a phone that can do everything i need from a PC. if i want to game i go fire up one or both xbox's lol