Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
I've seen harnesses cut before and to me it's a hack job if your going to do it correctly get the proper tools. It does matter that they were cut, especially if you had not disconnected the battery you could of shortened out the can bus system sense those wires are also in that harness with the power and ground. So your basically saying is every installer that uses is harness and does it the right way is wrong? I beg to differ. I'd like for you to walk up to a ferrari owner and tell him you'l cut his harness up for a head unit install. I guarantee if he had any sense he wold walk right out.
mang you surely need a gf. that's not wat im saying and you know it.
the harness is for convenience. one can do the install with or without the harness. but labeling someone that chose not to use a harness as doing it wrong is wrong. that's all that im saying.
if your customer wants you to use a harness, great. use it.
if the customer dont care if you did or didnt use a harness, that's also great. if i trusted an installer, i wouldnt care either way.