Originally Posted by Rusty
 Show off! 
Hey what can I say! I love showing off other peoples great work! JWT is all over this and really have come up with incredibe setup. Its amazing all the little specially engineered tricks that they have used to make all this come together. One critieria I had early on was to dry sump this motor. And its been interesting learning expereince to see what has to be done. Brian at Valykyrie knows it all now too! He has seen all tricks that need to be done to turn these motors into reliable track power plants. JWT is an invaluable resource in building this motor for us and to push traditional VQ limits as this is high compression stoker that hasnt been seen on track circles yet! Brian and I are now working on how we will keep this beast cool. I spec'd ethonol fuel as one strategy to keep top end temps lower but we are looking at massive oil cooling strategy. Start with very large air to oil cooler but may use suplemental water to oil cooler as well.
Im a guy that likes to over engineer cooling as hot motors are a real drag. ...literally.