Originally Posted by kenchan
.. like wat if someone had blackberry factory installed device in their car? LOL
yah, that wouldn't be very cool any more. it's hard because cars take 3-5yrs to design and get built. phone makers can die within that time frame.
This is why this type of technology should not be proprietary and should be built around a standard interface that Google, IOS, BlackBerry, Microsoft...etc would all need to develop their software (downloadable app) to conform to.
It shouldn't be Apple or Microsoft dictating how it's done. Of course that means someone has to have the technological and monetary swagger to make them all fall behind the idea. But if I were building this, that's what I'd do. Create an open standards interface for all devices to connect to...probably have them use BlueTooth like some of you are suggesting or even a private Wi-Fi LAN for connectivity instead of Lightning or some other proprietary hardware interface.