Instrument Bezel Just Arrived, Now What?
I have been one of the members who has been unhappy with the look of the plastic aluminum instrument bezel cover. I've painted the fuel temp gauge black and am happy with the results (yes the cover can be pulled off easily and painted). I ordered ($70 from dealer) and have received the instrument bezel. As you can see it is a one-piece part.
Now there are two objectives. the first is to investigate what options are available and decide what to do with covering or painting the instrument bezel. Specifically the two sides with the aluminum look. I purchased the carbon fiber shifter ring and love the look. However I'm not married to having the bezel covered in CF. I'm fine having it painted black.
The second objective is to investigate how complicated will it be to remove the bezel? Does the panel between the steering wheel and bezel need to be removed. Has anyone removed the instrument bezel? Can the bezel be pulled out without having to remove the panel in front of it?
Suggestions, recommendations.
Last edited by cinellipro; 03-03-2014 at 01:16 PM.