Originally Posted by kenchan
the other companies did not have an exchange rate disadvantage of 20% or more. are you not watching the news and realize that ALL of these things have direct connection to how much a company can invest and build a car?
i dont see how you take just one egg and make a huge ham and cheeze omelette. manufacturing does not work like that.
kitchen: got my delivery of one egg today... i know wtf... but i can make a great sunny side up today.
customer: wtf ? i said i want a huge ham & cheeze omelette!
kitchen: u want me to pull one out of my arse then? 
Nissan isn't the only Japanese car company, and Japan isn't the only country with exchange rate fluctuations. And I don't know why you seem to be so set on defending the Z as perfect the way it is. It could use improvement. A loaded Z is a $40k car. In that space, there's better value to be had.