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Old 03-01-2014, 11:20 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Oil Cooler and Engine Reliability

Hey all,
Has anyone gone through the trouble of performing an engine oil analysis before/after installing an oil cooler?

I recently installed a 35 row Z1 cooler. And let me just say that things aren't exactly what I expected (not knocking Z1's product). With the thermostatic plate it takes a good bit for the oil to reach temps... maybe 10-15 minutes. I am also concerned that the car might be starved of oil longer than it would be without the oil cooler when the car is being started up:

Maybe I'm being paranoid, but wouldn't the oil lines drain every time the engine is stopped, resulting in bubbles in the oil system, which in turn results in insufficient lubrication at engine startup (maybe only for a few seconds).

I'm worried that this would have a long term effect on the engine...

Can anybody chime in on this?
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