Sorry all, i should have chimed in sooner on this. All in all i wasnt sure i wanted to review it yet. When i got it i was rather dissapointed in the quality. 2/3ds of the sanding or porting done was rather rough and i ended up grabing some light sandpaper and smoothing it all down in the end. Whoever did the work also made a mistake and in the core i got there was a dollop of resin where they had sanded through a wall and needed to repair...which wouldent have bothered me if whoever did it had bothered to sand it all back down smooth. As it was it took about an hour to smooth all the rough spots out and clean it up a bit.
That all said its been on the car for some time now and ive logged just over 500 miles with a tune and love it. It is a gain although how much im not sure since my tunes are Etunes through Dynotronics.
Its hard to see in the picture below but on the left side where the throttle body meets the manifold there is a part that has a rough look. Its where the resin is. I can take a closer picture if needed to show it.