Greetings all!
New owner here just saying hi. Never thought I would be writing one of these but here goes!
If any of you have been or happened to come across S2Ki (S2000 International) you may have seen my name before.. or perhaps seen my work, parts or who knows what. I was very involved in the S2000 community.. was community organizer for the Carolinas for several years, moderator for several years, created a few things (Mulderized), hosted events at the Dragon and maybe even traveled to you to replace your soft top. You may even have a event shirt or two i created hanging in your closet or seen them on the ceiling of the Dragon's Den if you were an S owner.
All in all I spent 10 years with the S2000 community and met many great people that I still know today and made many more connections with vendors and the like. I purchased my first in 2003 (2000 Grand Prix White on the left) named "The Angry Panda" and my second in 2009 (2008 Berlina Black CR #77/699 on the right) "The Black Pearl".
After moving to a ... more congested area.. and ten years I felt it was time to change as the CR was becoming difficult to live with in hours of bumper to bumper and went to a 135i M sport.. 6MT, Le Mans Blue and Coral red.. aka the super man combo. Great car but I realized that perhaps I went too far away from the raw feeling of a sports car and was still pumping the clutch in traffic daily. Seven months later.. or two weeks ago today lol... I located a bargain with 15K miles and went for it.. although this time with the 7 AT which I am still getting used to..
2009 Touring + Sport + Navi and finally back in a white sports car (weakness I have). I will no doubt have a million questions and feel like a total noob. I can take an S2000 apart and put it back together all day but this is all new to me so please have patience

That said I look forward to getting to know many of the regulars around here and learning all I can. Perhaps even helping others again some day!
- Jason aka MULDER
p.s.... I have already spotted an old terd I know here (Dark_Sub_Rosa)... what ever he says about me... lies!! all lies!! lol