Originally Posted by Zsteve
Why did you pay for it the first time? I would have made them pay or at least have the insurance pay for it. This kinda goes to what I was saying in another thread that had a chart on problems reported with various cars. Some people fix them themselves while others will take it in for something like this.
I didn't discover it the first time until the day after the oil change. Because the car was away from the service dealer for 24 hours they WOULD claim that the cause was questionable and would deny the claim. This second time they couldn't deny it because it was off the lot 5 minutes only before I discovered it.
As for the insurance my deductable the first time was at $500 with the average coverage. So the net $389 the insurance would pay would have been placed right back on the next renewal which was coming up that following month.
And don't even be foolish enough to think that wouldn't have happen because I have experienced it several times in the past for other cars I have owned no matter what insurance I was with.
Now with my renewal my deductable is now only $250 and my premium was lowered $60 / month and my coverage is maximum. I would hate to have seen what my renewed premium would have been if I hadn't just ate the fix myself like I did.