Originally Posted by DjSquall
I drive auto, so yes, I usually hold it down when stopped.
And I drive like a banshee high on meth.
So I guess I'll avoid drilled rotors. Just gonna go with slotted ones.
Josh, thanks for the link! Is the price for a full set of 4, or per wheel?
If you've got the brakes good and hot and you're on a level surface, throw the car into N while you're at a light if you can.
The only other suggestion I can offer is to back off the hard braking when driving on public roadways. Otherwise, you're probably going to be replacing rotors a lot more often than is necessary. In which case, you might as well buy the generic rotors from any local auto parts store.
FWIW, I find myself limit accelerating fairly often when I'm doing some spirited driving. Limit braking on the other hand? Never. That's just asking for an accident.