lmao i took the Z out today and went sideways for like an hour before someone called the cops. i ducked out the back entrance cuz a friend who was playing lookout told me two cops just rushed the parking lot.
zero tire wear drifting ftw. i didnt get any pics cuz it was last minute and my friends phone had to be kept free to call me.
i ended up washing the car and zip tying my plate to my mesh. its ugly but i wont get tickets lmao. SO EFFING CLEAN
Advan Racing, KW, GTHaus, Eibach, Berks, Injen, Motul, K&N, SPC, Sunline Racing, Z1, Evo-R, Aerojacket, Stoptech, Amuse Powerhouse, Defcon Racing, Fly1 Motorsports.
Last edited by Ire; 02-21-2014 at 11:59 PM.