Originally Posted by OMGWTFBBQ
Hub adapters are usually 15mm. Just get one that converts from 5x114.3 to 5x112 and you should be good. Subtract 15mm from your offset to get the final offset, so if it's +30 then your effective offset with the hub adapter is +15.
No offense, but that is a retardedly narrow front wheel compared to the rear wheel. 2.5 inch stagger? WTF LOL 
do they have pcd changing ones starting 15mm? i thought those were ticker, i could be wrong. ive not used those types.
8.5" actually isn't too bad considering 245/40/19 tires on the front.

but id be more concerned abou the design. typical 8.5" width wheels are kinda boring... unless it's like a flat spoke type. but then flat spokes dont really look all that great on our curvy cars.