Originally Posted by Z1NONLY
I don't just "like the car". I drove it, back to back, with AWD and RWD Lambo's, over and over and over. I have also tracked examples of many of the other cars on the list, many times, and gave my thoughts on them in my first post in this thread.
The F430 is not a dog in either real-world driving, nor bench racing. It's actually rather awesome behind the wheel of those things.
There are a few on the list I have not driven that may be better choices, but I have not driven them, so I don't know. I commented on the cars I have driven and pointed out my lack of experience with the others.
Well, maybe I got to drive one that was missing two spark plugs.

You're talking to me like I've never been behind the wheel of one. I don't know how someone manages to look at that list and pick the 430 over the 458.
A 12.2@117 $200k car is a dog. That's not fast.
I'm sure it's a hoot to drive compared to a lot of cars. But if you're looking for a vehicle that you step out of and think "wow", the 430 isn't it. Maybe it was in 2006. But compared to the 458, GTR, McLaren, etc, it just falls short.