Originally Posted by dmhenderson
Anyway, my questions are:
-Is it really boosted? I would like to see under the hood. Not that I don't believe the TURBO badge but uh...I'd like to see it please.
-What is the purpose of the chrome tube-y things?
-What is SPORTZ? I googled sportz/florida/370z and didn't see anything. Is it a car club? A speed shop maybe?
-What is the purpose of the antenna behind the license plate?
The antenna gives his built in 1980's car phone reception
Originally Posted by Chuck33079
It's the V6 badge we're hung up on when it appears he has a "turbo" sticker on it over the 370 badge?
And the door protectors that don't stick out farther than the door handles
The sad part, the owner thinks it looks good. He walks out to it in the morning and thinks he nailed it.
LMAO!!! The V6 disturbs me because he took it off a Toyota, not even went and bought the letters from VatoZone
Originally Posted by dmhenderson
Also what are the red doohickies on the doors right below the handles?
(PS I'm trying to be nice in case someone in here owns it)
I found it on reddit. I said I would reach out to the SE 370z community to see if anyone knew about the car - a long shot but I had to ask just...because.
Red things are door protectors as Chuck said