Yesterday I cleaned the MAF sensors at lunch. Ms. Pintsize came over after work to pick up a socket she left over here last time, so I cleaned her MAF sensors as well. Then, later in the evening, I changed the differential oil (RL 75W90) and transmission oil (RL MT-85). While I had the car up on jackstands I was smart and thought to check the mileage on the oil maintenance counter. Sure enough, it was at 4990/5000, so I went ahead and changed the engine oil (Mobil 1) as well
I took the opportunity to deep clean the wheels, including barrels. I also polished the lug nuts and finally put on the wheel locks I've had sitting around for almost a year now
The only issue was the wind blew over my front passenger tire while I was messing around with the hose. It face planted on my concrete driveway, leaving a nice gash