Originally Posted by Jimbo370
1. Change the tranny fluid and rear diff with what brand and wt. more specific.. It is manmade so it is all synthetic?
2. What is wrong with iridiums and did you see a difference with copper NGK. On my 300zx They had to be nissan brand or they were not long enough making a poor idle.
3. The antifreeze is some blue Nissan stuff. Does the silicone hoses for radiator worth the extra money.
It will be my daily driver for about 5 yrs. my last car I kept for 14 yrs
1. I go with Red Line Syn. Can't remember the weight off hand but Z1 lists it as Tranny and Diff fluid (they are different).
3. Depends on the state of your current hoses. The silicone one's will never degrade. Just remember you need t-bolt clamps, not worm drive.