Originally Posted by Glambutang
Hey guys so my clutch pedal dropped to the floor again for the 4th time  . A month ago dealer installed new slave cylinder. First and second owners had to deal with the same issue. Here is the list of things that got replaced first time http://www.the370z.com/engine-drivet...tml#post842990. So after a month of driving since new csc clutch fell to the floor again, i brought it to the dealer they are scratching their heads because everything looked fine when they worked on it and there is no way something else could of failed. They are going to bleed clutch fluid but im more than positive that it will be temporary fix if it helps at all.
Right now clutch works when it wants to sometimes it feels normal, soft or all the way to the floor, but with either scenario cars lacking acceleration its doing 5000 rpm on 4th gear at 40mph  . What are my options here? Should i be prepared for getting new transmission or would it be worth doing it instead of dropping 800$ every month? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
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