SOLD-2010 Roadster Touring w/Sports Package
I am selling a 2010 370Z Roadster Touring w/Sports Pakage.
- Silver
- 6MT
- 20,497 miles (95% highway miles to Long Island, NY)
- Alpine ICA-W800 Navigation (hooked up with Bose system)
- Fully loaded: Keyless entry, keyless start, dual power/heated/cooled seats, Bose premium sound, Bluetooth wireless, etc
- No modification
- Garage kept since day one.
- Hand washed and detailed by me (never taken to car wash)
- Only seen rain 3 times/ Never driven between Nov-Mar
- All service done by Nissan
- Located in Northern NJ.
- Price: 28,000 /obo
If interested, please send me a email to mahaloinoue@gmail dot com.
2010 Brilliant Silver 370Z Roadster Sport/Touring 6MT
2012 Surabu Impreza WRX
Last edited by rinoue; 03-16-2014 at 08:50 AM.
Reason: Update Picture