My wife and I were seated and having cocktails waiting for some friends at Perry's Steakhouse downtown and watched this lady in a Kia Soul "park" her car along the curb between two cars. I'm pretty sure this space is very small (i.e. not a space except for maybe smart car/Car2Go), as I was looking for parking in the area less than 30 minutes before and passed it several times. The city block is on a hill, so although we were upstairs in the restaurant, the sidewalk and street were right outside the window.
I'm not one to reinforce stereotypes, but it's hard to deny it when you watch a woman try to parallel park like this. Mind you, I cannot see the front of her car, so I have no idea if she did the same thing to the car in front of her or not.
The first sign that this is going to be bad is she pulls into the space forward on the down slope. She then tries reversing to get closer to the curb. Visualize Austin Powers in the cart trying to turn around in the narrow corridor

The first time she makes contact with the car behind it's very soft and the cars are touching but still (she is reversing uphill). Suddenly, I see both cars rock backward significantly before she pulls forward again. She continues this back and forth routine nearly ten times, making contact with the car behind her each time. At one point she even gets out, presumably to check her distance to the curb because she never even looked at the other car. After this ridiculous display of parking, she pays the parking kiosk and walks off, leaving her Kia sticking out at an angle that appears to block the other car from even being able to leave
A little later, some friends join us and we order lunch. I mentioned the parking fiasco when they arrived and pointed out the parking job. In the middle of lunch, she returned to her car. We watched her leave, and sure enough, she did the back and forth crap again, giving the car behind her three additional love taps for the road.
People like this get my blood boiling

Inconsiderate a$$holes