Originally Posted by Troyz
Town North.
I either go to Town North or RR Nissan. I going to Town North more because they are back to 1st come 1st serve. Since I got nearly a full warranty, I am only going to dealerships. My 370Z is bone stock, I just change the fluids when told too. Overall I am satisfied with both: B+
Well, I'm glad Town North hasn't tried to screw you, yet.
I went to Town North over a year ago to check on a light that came on the instrument panel. I now know that the cause was low brake fluid level coupled with hard acceleration. However, they did a brake fluid flush without even consulting me and then had the gall to argue with me about who should pay for it. The service manager's response when I said I should not be responsible for the work: "Did it solve the problem?" I couldn't help but laugh and then retort, "It doesn't matter. I'm not paying for work I didn't authorize."