Originally Posted by LNATKFRNG
Thanks! Yes window switch is set 3500-7100, with 1st gear skipped, on an at when u hit second ur still at around 6000rpm, and 3rd is 5500 plus so with running a 1/4 mile I haven't sprayed into fourth gear.
That is good, Only thing I would recommend is to lower the window switch to around 6500 RPM, if you are shutting it down at 7100 the momentum can still carry the engine speeds past 7,100 if you are still WOT.
Just a safety precaution so you can enjoy the bottle for a long time

Once you get tired of filling it up all the time you will eventually go turbo like I did, at one point I would have 3-4 bottles in my garage ready to go, started getting too expensive lol