Originally Posted by jwick
If this is the 'best kit on the market' why is it cheaper than all their other turbo kits? Are the more expensive ones sub-par and not worth buying?
I'll admit that there are a lot of positives to this kit and all things consider it could be the 'best option' for certain people but calling it the best kit is a bit of a stretch.
When we say what we believe is going to be the best kit on the market, that is our opinion and we try to make our products the best out there, and will always continue to innovate and make new and better products - as we have for years.
There is a lot of different criteria for what would constitute the best kit, kit A might be the best for a certain person while kit B would be best suited for someone else.
The group buy pricing, and the retail pricing are 2 different things. Also when you manufacture products in higher quantities you are often able to be more competitive on pricing and pass your savings along to your customers.