I can see why the didn't do the sound deadening, it just adds unnecessary weight, but with my exhaust I wish it had more. But that's something I will do on my own. A storage compartment overhead would be nice for things like sunglasses. I always end up having to leave mine in the one cupholder.

What can I say, I like having a car with lots of places to hide stuff in.
A rear view camera should damn near be standard on these cars. It's like a gamble every time I have to back this thing up. Especially with the tools we have driving around here in Orlando.
A better sound system in the base models would be nice. Yes, I know, some people don't care about that, but to hell with them, they can turn it off

I like my creature comforts.
And just for the sake of vanity, have a cabin lighting system where you can change the colors, just like Ford has in almost every car they make. That would be nice.