Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z
With the influx of younger members who may not be up-to-speed on different terms used in the auto hobby in general and 370Zs specifically, it might be helpful to change the title of the "Forced Induction" section to include the terms supercharging and turbo supercharging.
Eg, Forced Induction (Turbo/Supercharging).
Just a thought after seeing a recent thread that got closed in a hurry.
Hi SouthArk370Z
Thank you for the suggestion. Since the launch of the forum in 2008, there were hundreds and thousands of threads created in the "Forced Induction" section. These threads are fully accessible via search engines. These threads are
SEO'ed by the search engine bots (and our
seo booster) and are currently actually top ranked links. By changing the name of the section, I'm taking a huge chance of possibly changing the url link of these threads. Then, if someone clicks on a link from Google to a forced induction thread, all the user gets is an error message "404 page can not be found" etc. So, I do understand where you're coming from but I may have to keep it the way it is in order to keep the links alive. I apologize

. Hope you understand.